Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My name is Clyde and this is my gay little page. I made this out of sheer boredom, and also the fact that I'm taking a webpage design class in school and enjoy it so much that I wanted to do it on my own time. I'm sure you can tell that this is still a heavy WIP.

Anyways, as previously mentioned my name is Clyde (or incidental70 on Instagram, hence the name of this site). I'm a 17-year-old autistic trans-masc. I enjoy writing, drawing, reading useless articles and doing useless research, and playing video games. My autistic special interests are TV commercials and They Might Be Giants. My current hyper-fixation is The Office. I want to study Dwight under a microscope. I also really like lost media.

This page will be dedicated to...whatever? I have a blog, I'll probably add more stuff in the future, who knows.

Anyways, that's all, enjoy your stay...FOREVER..........muwaahahaha..............